Articles I have authored
This page lists every article that I have created. It does not include rewrites - articles started by others but completely rewritten by me: I have decided to make a separate index for them.
- Index:
- Acraman, Rodney, Fiji's interim Ombudsman (2006 - present).
- Adi: a title held by chieftainesses in most parts of Fiji.
- Ah Koy, James: flamboyant Fijian politician.
- Alex Haley's Queen: A biographical novel by Alex Haley and David Stevens
- Alliance Party: A disambiguation page listing similarly-named political parties from several countries.
- Ahmed Ali (politician): Fijian academic and politician.
- Ali, Amjad: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Ali, Shamima: Indo-Fijian human rights activist.
- Felix Anthony, Fijian Senator.
- Arjun, Narendra: former parliamentarian from the National Federation Party.
- Arya, Kamlesh Kumar: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Assemblies Jehovah Shammah: Indian Christian movement very similar to, and sometimes considered part of, the Open Brethren.
- Assembly of Christian Churches in Fiji: an umbrella organization linking various denominations.
- Attorney-General (Fiji): Fiji's top lawyer in the government.
- Ba East (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Ba East (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Ba (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Ba West (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Ba West (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Baba, Jale: businessman and General Secretary of the United Fiji Party (SDL).
- Baba, Tupeni: Fijian politician.
- Babla, Anand: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Bhagwan-Rolls, Sharon: Fijian political activist.
- Bain, Atu Emberson: Fijian Senator.
- Bainimarama, Josaia Voreqe (Frank): Fijian military strongman.
- Bainimarama, Ratu Meli: CEO of the Fijian Affairs Board; appointed December 2006.
- Bala, Parveen: Mayor of Ba Town, Fiji.
- Bale, Qoriniasi: Minister for Justice and Attorney-General of Fiji.
- Baledrokadroka, Jone: Fijian soldier.
- Banuve, Joji: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Barton, Sir Cecil: Acting Governor of Fiji (1936; 1938).
- Bau Island: The chiefly island whose small size belies its vast importance.
- Beddoes, Mick: leader of Fiji's United People's Party.
- Belgium, Fiji Embassy to: This embassy doubles as the Fiji Mission to the European Union.
- Beqa: a Fijian island, famous for its firewalking.
- Blue Ribbon campaign (Fiji): the campaign in favour of the Fijian government's proposed Reconciliation and Unity Commission.
- Bogileka, Meli: former Cabinet Minister, General Secretary of the People's National Party.
- Bokini, Ratu Ovini, Fijian chief and Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs (2004-present).
- Bolobolo, Ratu Meli: Tui Navitilevu, Paramount Chief of Rakiraki, in Fiji's Ra Province.
- Browne, Joseph, Fijian civil servant.
- Bryce, Jabez: Anglican Bishop of Polynesia.
- Bua: a Province of Fiji.
- Bua (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Buadromo, Virisila: Fijian political activist.
- Bua Macuata West (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Buca Bay: tourist resort on the Fijian island of Vanua Levu.
- Bulamainaivalu, Kevueli: Fiji's Assistant Police Commissioner - Crime.
- Bulanauca, Mitieli: Fijian Senator and former Cabinet Minister.
- Bulewa, Kelemedi: Attorney General of Fiji (1992-1996).
- Bulou: a title held by Fijian chieftainesses on the island of Kadavu.
- Bune, Poseci: Deputy Leader of the Fiji Labour Party.
- Burebasaga Confederacy: the largest of three confederacies of Fijian chiefs.
- Burt, Sydney Charles: First Premier of the Kingdom of Viti (1871-1872); Attorney General of Viti (1873-1874).
- Butadroka, Sakiasi: Fijian nationalist politician, founder of the Fijian Nationalist Party.
- Cabinet (Fiji): A description of Fiji's Cabinet system of government, with a list of current Cabinet members.
- Cakaudrove: a Province of Fiji.
- Cakaudrove East (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Cakaudrove West (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Cakaudrove West (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Cakobau, Ratu Epenisa: Fijian chief from Bau Island.
- Cakobau, Ratu George: Senator and possible Vunivalu of Bau.
- Cakobau, Ratu Sir Edward: Fijian Chief and Cabinet Minister (1908-1973).
- Cakobau, Litia, Fijian Chief and Senator.
- Cakobau, Ratu Sir George: Fijian statesman.
- Cakobau, Ratu Seru Epenisa: Fijian monarch (1800s)
- Cakobau-Talakuli, Adi Samanunu : Fijian chief.
- Caucau, Asenaca: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Viliame Cavubati: Cabinet Minister (1990s).
- Chambers, Amy: Anglican priest in Fiji.
- Chamoun, Dany: Lebanese politician.
- Chamoun, Dory: Lebanese politician.
- Chamoun, Tracy: Lebanese political activist.
- Chand, Ganesh: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Chand, Pratap: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Chandra, Rajesh: Vice-Chancellor of the University of Fiji.
- Chaudhry, Rajendra: Fijian lawyer, son of former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry.
- Chief Judicial Commissioner for the Western Pacific: British colonial Chief Justice of the British Western Pacific Territories.
- Chief Justice (Fiji): A description of the office, with a list of those who have held it.
- Chief Minister (Fiji): The office that later became that of the Prime Minister.
- Children of the Plantation: An article about the offspring of white Americans and their black slave women.
- Chinese in Fiji: a small, but influential, community in Fiji.
- Cho, David Yonggi: Korean Christian pastor.
- Christian, Betty: Pitcairnese public figure.
- Christian Brethren Church of New Zealand: the name by which the Open Brethren are formally known in New Zealand.
- Christian Community Churches of Australia: the name by which the Open Brethren are formally known in Australia.
- Christian Democratic Alliance (Fiji): A Fijian political party, active in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
- Christianity in Korea: An article summarizing the phenomenon of Korean Christianity.
- Christopher, David Ariu: Fijian politician of Banaban descent.
- Citizens Federation: Fijian political party of the 1960s, a forerunner to the present-day National Federation Party.
- Cokanasiga, Joketani, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Cokanauto, Ratu Tu'uakitau: former Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Communal constituencies (Fiji): Parliamentary constituencies allocated to candidates and voters registered on ethnic rolls.
- Conservative Alliance (Fiji): nationalistic Fijian political party.
- Constituency Boundaries Commission: the body determining electoral boundaries in Fiji.
- Constitution of Fiji - Preamble - Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17: a series of essays on the eighteen chapters (including the preamble) of the Fijian Constitution.
- Council of Rotuma: the municipal and legislative body of Rotuma, a Fijian dependency.
- Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit Court Martial, Fiji: the court martial of the CRW soldiers convicted of the Queen Elizabeth Barracks mutiny of 2 November 2000.
- Court of Appeal of Fiji: one of three Fijian courts established by the Constitution.
- Culture of Fiji: Focusing on the culture of indigenous Fijians, rather than of immigrant peoples.
- Cunningham (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Daddah, Moktar Ould: The founding father of Mauritania.
- Daily Post: A newspaper owned by the Fijian government.
- Dakuidreketi, Keni, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Datt, Krishna: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Delailomaloma, Nelson, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- De Ricci, James Herman: Attorney General of Fiji (1875-1876).
- Digitaki, Laisa, businesswoman and pro-democracy activist.
- Dimuri, Ratu Josefa: Fijian chief and politician.
- Diplomatic relations of Fiji: a list of Fijian missions abroad, and foreign missions in Fiji.
- Dobui, Manoa: Fijian politician.
- Doyle, Brian Andre: Solicitor General of Fiji (1948-1951) and Attorney General (1949-1956).
- Draunidalo, Savenaca: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Draunidalo, Tupou: Fijian lawyer.
- Dravuni: an atoll in Fiji's Kadavu Group.
- Driti, Pita: Land Force Commander, Republic of Fiji Military Forces.
- Driver, Moses: Deputy Commissioner of Police in Fiji.
- Druavesi, Ema: General Secretary of the Soqosoqo ni Vakavulewa ni Taukei (SVT).
- Duvuloco, Iliesa: Fijian nationalist politician; leader of the Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party.
- Dyer, Adi Senimili, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Eddé, Raymond: Lebanese statesman (1913-2000).* Ehrhardt, Albert: Attorney-General of Fiji (1903-1914).
- Ehrhardt, Albert: Attorney-General of Fiji (1903-1914).
- Elections in Fiji: A list of elections to the Fijian Legislative Council (1966), and to the House of Representatives since independence in 1970: 1972 - March 1977 - September 1977 - 1982 - 1987 - 1992 - 1994 - 1999 - 2001 - 2006
- European Union, Fiji Mission to: This mission doubles as the Embassy of Fiji to Belgium.
- Falvey, John Neil: Attorney General of Fiji (1970-1977).
- Fatiaki, Daniel: Chief Justice of Fiji (2002-2006)
- Federation Party: Fijian political party formed out of the Citizens Federation in 1963, a forerunner to the present-day National Federation Party.
- Festivals in Fiji: a list that reflects Fiji's cultural diversity.
- Fiji coup plot of 2006: the threatened overthrow of Fiji's civilian government in December.
- Fiji crisis of 2005-2006: the escalation of a crisis simmering for over a year.
- Reaction to Fiji crisis of 2005-2006: domestic and foreign reaction.
- Timeline of Fiji crisis of 2005-2006: covering late 2005 and early 2006.
- Fiji Law Society: the body registering and regulating lawyers in Fiji.
- Fiji Live: online Fijian news service.
- Fijian mercenaries in Bougainville: a diplomatic incident that has embarrassed the Fijian government.
- Fiji municipal election, 2002: an election that produced very mixed results for Fiji's major parties.
- Fiji municipal election, 2005: an election regarded as a trial run for the 2006 parliamentary election.
- Fiji presidential election, 2006: The election for the 2006-2011 term.
- Fiji Sun: online Fijian news service.
- Fiji Television: Fiji's television network, with an online Fijian news service.
- Fiji Village: online Fijian news service.
- Fijian Alliance: the former ruling political party of Fiji (1967-1987).
- Fijian Association Party: a once-significant political party of Fiji.
- Fijian electoral system: an overview of the many changes in the history of Fiji's electoral system.
- Fijian military unrest in 2006: a series of incidents that took place in the leadup to the military coup in late 2006.
- Fijian name: about Fiji's naming conventions.
- Fijian Nationalist Party: a former political party in Fiji advocating political supremacy for indigenous Fijians.
- Fijian ethnic group: An article about Fiji's indigenous people.
- Fijian Political Party: the political party that governed Fiji in the 1990s.
- Fiji coup of 2000:Aftermath: a report on the investigations, trials, and manoeverings that have followed in the wake of the 2000 coup.
- Fiji coup of 2000:Alleged plot against Ratu Iloilo: Allegations of a plot involving Senator Apisai Tora against Fijian President Josefa Iloilo.
- Fiji coup of 2000:Removal of Ratu Mara: A significant detail of the Fiji coup of 2000.
- Fiji coup of 2000:Investigations: Police investigations into the financing, organizing, and motives for the coup.
- Fiji coup of 2000:Mutinies: An account of the mutinies at Sukunaivalu Army Barracks on 7 July 2000 and at Suva's Queen Elizabeth Barracks on 2 November.
- Fiji coup of 2000:Trials: Persons tried, convicted, and acquitted of involvement in the coup.
- Fiji Democratic Party: a Fijian political party that operated between June 2002 and April 2005.
- Fiji Times: Fiji's oldest newspaper.
- Fiji Week: an annual festival culminating in Fiji's independence day on 10 October.
- Fiji Week, 2004: a week of national reconciliation planned for 4 - 11 October 2004.
- Fiji Week, 2005: a week of festivities leading up to Independence Day on 10 October.
- Foreign reaction to the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill (Fiji): The reaction of foreign governments and organizations to Fiji's most controversial legislation.
- Frangieh, Suleiman: President of Lebanon (1970-1976).
- Fulaga: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Gaffar, Ahmed: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Galuinadi, Jonetani: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Ganilau, Adi Ateca: Fijian public figure.
- Ganilau, Bernadette: Fijian writer, broadcaster, and political activist.
- Ganilau, Ratu Epeli: Fijian statesman.
- Ganilau, Ratu Sir Penaia: The first President of Fiji.
- Garrick, Joseph Hector: Attorney General of Fiji (1876-1882).
- Gates, Anthony: Fijian judge and Acting Chief Justice (2007).
- Gau Island: an island in Fiji's Lomaiviti archipelago.
- Gemayel, Amine: Lebanese President (1982-1988).
- Gemayel, Solange: Lebanese politician and former First Lady (1982).
- General Electors: Fijian citizens not of ethnic Fijian, Indo-Fijian, or Rotuman descent.
- Gil, Eddie: Filipino politician.
- Gounder, Gunasagaran: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Governor of the Pitcairn Islands: an overview of the functions of the Governor of Britain's last Oceanic colony.
- Grand Coalition for Fiji - a coalition of five ethnic Fijian-led parties formed on 30 July 2005.
- Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji): An article about a powerful feudal institution that chooses Fiji's President.
- Greenwood, Ashley Martin: Attorney General of Fiji (1956-1963) and Attorney General of Gibraltar (1963-1966).
- Gutch, Sir John: 18th High Commissioner for the Western Pacific and second Governor of the Solomon Islands (1953-1955).
- Hamilton, Robert Wilson: American and first Attorney-General of Fiji (1872).
- Hatch, Hector, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Heffernan, Angie, Director, Pacific Centre for Public Integrity.
- Hertzog, James Barry Munnik: South African Prime Minister (1924-1939).
- High Commissioner for the Western Pacific: British colonial ruler of the British Western Pacific Territories.
- House of Chiefs (Fiji): an overview of the Fijian nobility.
- House of Representatives (Fiji): A brief description of the Fijian House of Representatives, and a list of its members.
- Howell, Charles Gough, Attorney General of Fiji (1931-1933) and Attorney-General of Singapore (1936-1942).
- Hughes, Andrew, Fiji's former Commissioner of Police.
- Hughes, Wayne: New Zealand pastor.
- Index of Fiji-related articles: An index of (hopefully) all Wikipedia articles pertaining to Fiji.
- India-Fiji relations: highlights from the relationship between Fiji and India.
- Indo-Fijian: Fijian citizens of Indian descent.
- Instruments of Independence (Fiji): the founding document of independent Fiji.
- Iqbal, Imraz: Indo-Fijian businessman and former journalist.
- Island Council (Pitcairn): the legislative and judicial body of the Pitcairn Islands.
- Iyer, Pico: Renowned British-born author.
- Sir Derek Jakeway: British Colonial administrator and penultimate Governor of Fiji.
- Jalal, Imrana: Indo-Fijian lawyer.
- Jale, Anare: Chief Executive Officer of Fiji's Public Service Commission.
- Jenkins, Sir (Edward) Enoch: Attorney General of Fiji (1938-1945), Chief Justice of Nyasaland (1944-c.1950).
- Joyce, Barnaby: Australian Senator from Queensland.
- Judicial Service Commission (Fiji): the body that nominates judges in Fiji.
- Justice of Appeal (Fiji): judges who sit on the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.
- Kabara: one of the Lau Islands and home island of Fijian Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase.
- Kadavu (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Kadavu Group: a Fijian archipelago dominated by Kadavu.
- Kaibu: one of Fiji's Lau Islands.
- Kaitani, Simione: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Kanacea: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Kanailagi, Tomasi: Fijian clergyman and Senator.
- Kanakana, Ratu Epeli: Fijian chief.
- Katonivere, Ratu Aisea: Paramount Chief of Macuata, Fiji.
- Kaukimoce, Jonetani: Fijian parliamentarian.
- Kean, Francis: Fijian Naval Commander.
- Kepa, Ro Teimumu: Fijian chief and politician.
- Kepa, Sailosi: Fijian judge, statesman, and diplomat.
- Khan, Mohammed Afzal: Senator.
- Khan, Ballu: Indo-Fijian business tycoon.
- Khan, Hafiz: Fijian businessman and Senator.
- Khan, Iqbal: controversial Fijian lawyer.
- Khan, Jahir: Senior Fiji police officer.
- Tulsi Ram Khelwan, Fijian Senator.
- Khoury, Béchara El-: Lebanese President (1943-1952).
- Kioa: an outlier to the Fijian island of Vanua Levu.
- Konrote, George: Rotuman-Fijian diplomat and political candidate.
- Koriakine, Alexandre: Co-founder of Wikimapia.
- Koro-ni-O: the centre of Fiji's hydroelectric industry.
- Koroi, Jimi: Fijian Military officer and interim Commissioner of Police (2006 - 2007).
- Koroi, Jokapeci: Senator and President of the Fiji Labour Party.
- Korovavala, Lesi: Chief Executive Officer of Fiji's Home Affairs Ministry.
- Korovou: the heart of Fiji's dairy industry.
- Kotobalavu, Joji: Fijian civil servant and Prime ministerial spokesman.
- Koya, Sidiq: Indo-Fijian statesman.
- Krishna, James Shri: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Kubuabola, Ratu Inoke: Fijian politician.
- Kubuabola, Ratu Jone: Fiji's Minister for Finance.
- Kubuna Confederacy: traditionally the highest-ranked of three confederacies of Fijian chiefs.
- Kurulo, Suliasi, head of the Fiji- based Christian Mission Fellowship.
- Labasa (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Labasa Rural (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Labasa (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Lacawai, Ratu Paula, Senator.
- Lakeba: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Lakshman, Prince Gopal: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Lal, Brij: Fiji-born historian.
- Lal, Surendra: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Lakeside Church: Canadian megachurch in Guelph, Ontario.
- Lalabalavu, Ratu Naiqama: Fijian high chief and politician, imprisoned for his role in the Fiji coup of 2000.
- Lami: a Town in Fiji.
- Lami (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Lau (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Lau Taveuni Rotuma (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Laucala: one of three islands to the east of Thurston Point, Taveuni, Fiji.
- Laucala (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Laucala (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Lautoka City (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Lautoka City (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Lautoka Rural (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Leader of the Opposition (Fiji): A commentary on the office of Leader of the Opposition, and a list of people who have held it.
- Legislative Council (Fiji): the precursor to the modern Fijian Parliament.
- Leleuvia: an island in Fiji's Lomaiviti archipelago.
- Lesavua, Ponipate: Fijian Senator.
- Leung, Graeme: President of the Fiji Law Society.
- Leweniqila, Isireli: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Levuka: the former capital of Fiji.
- Leweni, Neumi: Fijian Army Captain and spokesman.
- Lewis, Justin: Solicitor General of Fiji (1956-1963) and Attorney General of Fiji (1963-1970).
- List of British High Commissioners to New Zealand: The Commonwealth of Nations (Commonwealth)equivalent to an Ambassador).
- List of Chairmen of the Great Council of Chiefs: A (so-far) partial listing of those who have chaired the Great Council of Chiefs.
- List of Fijian Heads of State: Links to articles about Fiji's Heads of State since the 1700s.
- List of Fijian politicians: a split from the List of Fijians.
- List of Fijian sportspeople: Split from List of Fijians.
- List of Foreign Ministers of Fiji: Including their terms of office and the Prime Ministers under whom they served.
- List of Governors of Fiji: Covering the period 1874-1970, when Fiji was a British Crown Colony.
- List of Governors-General of Fiji: Covering the period 1970-1987.
- List of Lebanon-related topics: persons, places, events to do with Lebanon.
- List of Ministers for Fijian Affairs: The holders of the Cabinet portfolio responsible for indigenous development in Fiji.
- List of Premiers of the Kingdom of Viti: A list of those who headed the government of the short lived Fijian kingdom of 1871 to 1874.
- List of Presidents of Fiji: Covering the period since 1987.
- List of Prime Ministers of Fiji: Covering the period since 1967.
- List of rulers of the Pitcairn Islands: Colonial governors, Magistrates, and Mayors of the world's least populated country.
- List of Speakers of the House of Representatives (Fiji): Covering the period since 1972.
- List of Tongan Monarchs: a list of the individuals who have reigned over Tonga.
- List of Vice-Presidents of Fiji: A brief description of the office, and a list of the persons who have held it.
- Lomaiviti: an archipelago and Province of Fiji.
- Lomaiviti (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Lomaivuna Namosi Kadavu (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Low, Kenneth, Chinese in Fiji-Fijian businessman and Senator.
- Luveni, Jiko, Fijian dentist and AIDS campaigner.
- Ma'afu, Enele: Tongan Prince and Fijian Chief (19th Century).
- MacKenzie, Sir Kenneth: Attorney General of Fiji (1922-1927).
- Macuata: a Province of Fiji.
- Macuata East Cakaudrove (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Macuata East (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Macuata (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Madraiwiwi, Ratu Joni - Fijian chief (1859-1920).
- Magodro (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Maharaj, Sanjeet Chand: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Maivalili, Ratu Kinijoji, Senator.
- Major, Sir Charles Henry: Chief Justice of Fiji (1902-1914) and Acting Governor (1910-1911); Chief Justice of British Guinea (1914-1933).
- Makogai: an island in Fiji's Lomaiviti archipelago.
- Malani, Ratu Wilisoni Tuiketai: Fijian medical doctor, chief, and politician.
- Mamanuca Islands: an archipelago to the west of Nadi, Fiji.
- Managreve, Injimo: Chairman of the Council of Rotuma.
- Manufolau, Daniel Urai: Fijian politician.
- Mara, Ratu Finau: Fijian lawyer, politician, and diplomat.
- Mara, Ratu Sir Kamisese: Father of the modern Fijian nation.
- Mara, Ro Adi Lady Lala: The former First Lady of Fiji.
- Mara, Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba: Former Fijian Army Chief of Staff.
- Mara-Rasova, Adi Elenoa: Fijian chieftainess and daughter of founding father Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara.
- Masilaca, Asaeli: Fijian politician.
- Master of the High Court (Fiji): junior judges who sit on Fiji's High Court.
- Mataca, Petero: Roman Catholic Archbishop of Fiji.
- Matagi: one of three islands to the east of Thurston Point, Taveuni, Fiji.
- Matairavula, Irami: Fijian parliamentarian.
- Matakibau, Samuela: Senor Fiji police officer.
- Matanitobua, Naomi: Chief Magistrate of Fiji.
- Matanitobua, Ratu Suliano, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Matuku, Fiji: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma: Fiji's largest Christian denomination.
- Military-church relations in Fiji: With particular focus on the strains caused by the Unity Bill.
- Military opposition to the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill (Fiji): Opposing the pardoning of political prisoners.
- Military unrest since the Fiji coup of 2000: on the increasing tension between the Fijian government and the Military.
- Mishra, Ghananand - Fijian judge (1916-2005).
- Moala: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Moala Islands: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Moawad, Nayla: Lebanese politician.
- Moderate voices on the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill (Fiji): more nuanced positions on the Fijian government's proposed Reconciliation and Unity Commission.
- Momoedonu, Ratu Tevita: Prime Minister of Fiji.
- Municipal elections in Fiji: an overview of elections to Fiji's city and town councils.
- Mupnar, Perumal: Fijian politician.
- Musingku, Noah: warlord and Bougainville separatist leader.
- Nabua: a suburb of Suva, Fiji; the site of the Queen Elizabeth Barracks.
- Nabuka, Joeli: Fijian parliamentarian.
- Nacuva, Pita: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Nadi (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Nadi Rural (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Nadi Urban (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Nadroga (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Nadroga (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Nadroga-Navosa: a Province of Fiji.
- Nadroga Navosa (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Naevo, Apisai, Senator.
- Nagagavoka, Ratu Sairusi, Fijian chief and PANU Party leader.
- Nagindas, Shivlal: Labasa businessman and former member of the Fijian Senate.
- Namena Lala: an outlier to the Fijian island of Vanua Levu.
- Nagusuca, Nanise: Fijian politician.
- Naidu, Dorsami: Leader of the National Federation Party of Fiji.
- Naidu, Richard: Fijian lawyer.
- Naigani: an island in Fiji's Lomaiviti archipelago.
- Nailatikau, Adi Koila Mara: Fijian politician.
- Nailatikau, Ratu Epeli Qaraninamu: Fijian medical doctor and Senator.
- Nailatikau, Ratu Epeli: Fijian statesman.
- Nair, Damodran: Fijian politician.
- Naitasiri: a Province of Fiji.
- Naitasiri (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Naivalu, Solomone: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Nand, Nainendra: Solicitor-General of Fiji.
- Namosi: a Province of Fiji.
- Namosi (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Nananu-i-Ra: an island of the coast of Rakiraki, Fiji.
- Nand, Gyani: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Nand, Ragho: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Nanovo,Ratu Sela: Fijian chief and Senator.
- Naqase, Serupepeli: Fijian lawyer (d. 2006).
- Naqiolevu, Sekove: Fijian judge, now on the Solomon Islands bench.
- Narayan, Irene Jai: Indo-Fijian stateswoman.
- Narayan, Udit: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Nasaqalau: village on the Fijian island of Lakeba, in the Lau archipelago.
- Nasinu (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Nasinu Rewa (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Nasinu Urban (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians. (original)
- National Alliance Party of Fiji: Fijian political party founded by Ratu Epeli Ganilau in 2005.
- National Assembly of Lebanon: Lebanon's national legislature.
- National constituencies (Fiji): Former Parliamentary constituencies allocated ethnically but elected by universal suffrage.
- National Democratic Party (2006): Fijian political party founded to contest the [[Fijian general election, 2006|2006 elections. (original)
- National language debate in Fiji: the debate over whether to make Fijian, and possibly also Hindustani, compulsory in all schools.
- Nationalist Vanua Tako Lavo Party: an extreme ethno-nationalist party apparently involved in the 2000 coup.
- Native Land Register: the official register of indigenous Fijian landowners.
- Naupoto, Viliame, Fiji's Director of Immigration and former Navy Commander.
- Nausori: a Town in Fiji.
- Nausori Naitasiri (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Navoka, Ratu Viliame, Senator.
- Navakasuasua, Maciu: Fijian coup convict turned informer.
- Naviti: an island in Fiji's Yasawa Group.
- New Nationalist Party (Fiji): Fijian political party.
- Nawaikula, Niko: Fijian politician.
- Nawalowalo, Ratu Josateki: Fijian businessman and Chairman of the Kadavu Provincial Council.
- Niranjan, Sangeeta: Fijian businesswoman.
- New Labour Unity Party (Fiji): a minor party, founded by Tupeni Baba in 2001.
- Naivaluwaqa, Timoci: Fijian trade unionist.
- Niudamu, Epeli, Senator.
- North East Urban (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- North West Urban (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- North Eastern (General Electors Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 3 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for ethnic minorities.
- Nukulau - Fijian island with a rich history.
- Ogea Driki: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Ogea Levu: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Ono-i-Lau: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Ono Island: a member of Fiji's Kadavu Group.
- Open constituencies: Parliamentary constituencies elected by universal suffrage.
- Ould Daddah, Moktar: The founding father of Mauritania
- Ovalau: the main island in Fiji's Lomaiviti archipelago.
- Pacific Islands Political Studies Association: an international institution dedicated to studying Pacific politics and culture.
- Padarath, Ben: Fijian political candidate (2006), later imprisoned for manslaughter.
- Padarath, Lavenia: Fijian Cabinet Minister (1999-2000).
- Paeniu, Seve: Tuvalu's High Commissioner to Fiji.
- Party of National Unity (Fiji): Fijian List of political parties in Fiji, based in Ba Province. Better known as PANU.
- A. D. Patel: founder of the National Federation Party of Fiji.
- People's Coalition: the coalition dominated by the Fiji Labour Party that swept to power in the 1999 election.
- People's National Party (Fiji): small indigenous Fijian political party.
- People's Party (Portugal): right-wing Portuguese political party.
- Pethrus, Lewi (1884-1974): founder of the Swedish Pentecostal movement.
- Pillay, Sarojini, Indo-Fijian academic.
- Philip, Johnson: Indian Brethren theologian (born 1954).
- Pitcairn Islands election, 2004: the special election held on 15 December 2004.
- Pitcairn rape trial of 2004: the trial that has shaken the world's least populous country.
- Prasad, Krishna: Fijian politician.
- President of the Court of Appeal of Fiji: the presiding officer of Fiji's Appeal Court.
- Puisne judge (Fiji): judges who sit on Fiji's High Court and Appeal Court.
- Punja, Hari, Fijian business tycoon (born 1937).
- Qamea: one of three islands to the east of Thurston Point, Taveuni, Fiji.
- Qelelevu: the only inhabited island in Fiji's Ringgold Isles Group.
- Qetaki, Alipate, former Attorney-General of Fiji and Minister for Justice.
- Qionibaravi, Adi Litia: CEO of the Fijian Affairs Board; deposed by military administration in December 2006.
- Qornet Shehwan: the village headquarters of the Lebanese political movement that bears its name.
- Qornet Shehwan Gathering: Lebanese political organization.
- Qovu, Emasi: Fijian parliamentarian.
- Queen Elizabeth Barracks (Fiji): the headquarters of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces.
- Ra, Fiji: a Province of Fiji.
- Ra (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Ra (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Rabi Council of Leaders: the municipal body administering Rabi Island, Fiji.
- Rabi Island: an outlier to the Fijian island of Taveuni, in the Vanua Levu Group.
- Rabukawaqa, Orisi: Fijian Military spokesman.
- Rae, Pramod: General Secretary of Fiji's National Federation Party.
- Ragiagia, Mataiasi: Fijian parliamentarian.
- Raj, George Shiu: Indo-Fijian politician.
- Rakiraki: a region of Ra Province, Fiji.
- Ram, Rishi: Chairman of Fiji's Public Service Commission.
- Rankine, John: Acting Governor of Fiji (1944).
- Ratakele, Ratu Talemo, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Ratu: An explanation of Fiji's nobility.
- Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day: Fiji's national holiday, held in honour of their greatest statesman.
- Ravuvu, Asesela: Fijian academic and Senator.
- Rayawa, Ratu, Senator.
- Reconciliation and Unity Commission (Fiji): A controversial commission proposed by the Fijian government.
- Religious reaction to the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill: A summary of the response of Christian and Hindu organizations to this controversial bill.
- Reddy, Jai Ram: Indo-Fijian politician and judge.
- Rewa, Fiji: a Province of Fiji.
- Rewa (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Ridgeway, Peter: Australian prosecutor, former Deputy Director of Prosecutions in Fiji.
- Rigamoto, Marieta: Fijian Cabinet Minister of Rotuman descent.
- Ringgold Isles: an archipelago forming an outlier to the Fijian island of Vanua Levu.
- Ro: a title held by Fijian chiefs in Rewa Province.
- Rokocegu, Ratu Maculeku: Fijian chief from Macuata Province.
- Rokomatu, Adi Joana, Fijian chief, holder of the Tui Sigatoka title.
- Roko Tui Dreketi: The Paramount Chief of Rewa and Burebasaga, Fiji.
- Rokotuinaceva, Ratu Kolinio, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Rotuma Day: 13 May, the date celebrating Rotuma's 1881 annexation to Fiji by the United Kingdom.
- Rotuma Group: an island group in Fiji, dominated by Rotuma Island.
- Rotuma (Rotuman Communal Constituency, Fiji): The at-large communal constituency in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for ethnic Rotumans.
- Salabula, Losena: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Salam, Saeb: former Prime Minister of Lebanon.
- Samabula Tamavua (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Sarkis, Elias: President of Lebanon (1976-1982).
- SAUBULINAYAU, Meli: Senior Fijian Army officer.
- Sauqaqa, Tomasi: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Isikia Savua: Fijian diplomat and former Police Commissioner.
- Seeto, Dixon: Fijian business tycoon of Chinese descent.
- Senate (Fiji) - a brief description of the Fijian Senate, and a list of its members.
- Seniloli, Ratu Jope: Vice-President of Fiji (2000-2004), convicted of treason.
- Seru, Apaitia: Attorney General of Fiji (1992).
- Serua: a Province of Fiji.
- Serua (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Serua Navosa (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Seruvakula, Ratu Semi, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Seruvakula, Viliame, Army officer, who led the counteroffensive against the Queen Elizabeth Barracks mutiny of 2 November 2000.
- Sharan, Ram: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Sharma, Devanesh: President of the Fiji Law Society (2006 - present).
- Sharma, Gabriel: First Indo-Fijian Anglican Bishop in Fiji.
- Sharma, Vyas Deo: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Sigatoka: a Town in Fiji.
- Silatolu, Peniasi: Fijian politician.
- Silatolu, Timoci: Fijian politician, serving a life sentence for treason.
- Sing, Sakiusa: Fijian Catholic priest and educator.
- Singh, Anand: Fiji Labour Party Senator and former Attorney-General.
- Singh, Attar: Fiji trade unionist and NFP politician.
- Singh, Gyan: Fijian politician.
- Singh, Pravin: Fijian politician; died 2003.
- Singh, Prem: Indo-Fijian politician.
- Singh, Rajesh: Fijian Cabinet Minister (2006).
- Singh, Raman Pratap: President of Fiji's National Federation Party.
- Singh, Satendra: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Singh, Vijay (politician): Fijian politician.
- Singh, Sir Vijay: Indo-Fijian lawyer and former politician.
- Siwatibau, Suliana, human rights and pro-democracy activist.
- Siwatibau, Savenaca: Fijian academic leader.
- Smith, Ian (disambiguation): A disambiguation page, listing places where I moved material that was irrelevantly included in the Ian Smith article.
- Solicitor-General (Fiji): The Chief Executive Officer of the Attorney-General's department.
- Gagaj Maraf Solomone, Fijian Senator from Rotuma.
- South African Liberal Party: South African political party banned (1968) by the apartheid regime.
- South West Urban (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Sovasova, Ratu Jovesa: Fijian chief (1942-2005).
- Speed, Adi Kuini Bavadra: Fijian politician.
- Stanley, Sir Robert: 17th High Commissioner for the Western Pacific (1952-1955) and 1st Governor of the Solomon Islands (1953-1955).
- Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance: a Fijian municipal political party in the City of Lautoka.
- Suva City Council: the municipal body governing Fiji's capital.
- Suva City (General Electors Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 3 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for ethnic minorities.
- Suva City (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Suva City (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Suva City Urban (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Swann, Ofa: Fijian parliamentarian for the New Labour Unity Party.
- Tabakaucoro, Adi Finau, Fijian former Cabinet Minister.
- Tailevu: a Province of Fiji.
- Tailevu North (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Tailevu North Ovalau (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Tailevu Rewa (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Tailevu South (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Tailevu South Lomaiviti (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Taininbeka: an uninhabited islet in Fiji's Ringgold Isles Group.
- Takapuna Assembly of God: prominent New Zealand church.
- Takiveikata, Ratu Inoke: Fijian high chief and politician, imprisoned for life for mutiny.
- Takiveikata, Ratu Inoke: Vice President of Fiji (1990s).
- Tamavua Laucala Urban (Fijian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 23 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indigenous Fijians.
- Tanaburenisau, Antonio: Fijian parliametarian (1999-2000).
- Taoka, Aisea: Fiji's Commissioner of Prisons.
- Tatham, Ernest: Canadian Open Brethren theologian, co-founder of Emmaus Bible College.
- Taukeinikoro, Ratu Kiniviliame, Senator.
- Tavai, Ratu Etuate: Attorney General of Fiji (1996-1999).
- Tavaiquia, Ratu Sir Josaia - Vice-President of Fiji (1990-1997).
- Tavola, Kaliopate: Fiji's Minister for Foreign Affairs (2000 - present).
- Tavua: a Town in Fiji.
- Tavua (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Tavua (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Telawa, Saula: President of the New Nationalist Party of Fiji.
- Teleni, Esala, Naval Captain and former Deputy Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces.
- Thacker, RansleySamuel: Chief Justice of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1930s), Attorney General of Fiji (1933-1938), Justice of the Supreme Court of Kenya (1938-1950).
- Thurston, John Bates: Premier of the Kingdom of Viti (1874 and Governor of Fiji (1888-1897).
- Tikoinasau, Samisoni: Fijian Cabinet Minister and CAMV parliamentarian.
- Tikotikoca, Romanu, Commissioner of Police appointed December 2006.
- Ting, K.H.: Chinese church official.
- Toganivalu, Adi Davila: Fijian businesswoman and newspaper publisher.
- Tora, Apisai, Fijian Senator.
- Totoya: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Tovata Confederacy: the easternmost of three confederacies of Fijian chiefs.
- Tubou: village on the Fijian island of Lakeba, in the Lau archipelago.
- Manasa Tugia: Deputy Speaker of the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Tui Cakau: The Paramount Chief of Cakaudrove and Tovata, Fiji.
- Tui Nadi: the Paramount Chief of Nadi, Fiji.
- Tuisese, Ilaitia: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Tuisolia, Ratu Sakiusa, former CEO of Airports Fiji Limited.
- Tuivaga, Sir Timoci: Chief Justice of Fiji (1974-2002).
- Tuvuki, Isireli: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- United Nations, Fiji Mission to: Fiji's permanent mission to the world body.
- United Party (South Africa): South Africa's ruling party from 1934 to 1948.
- United Peoples Party (Fiji): a small political party supported by Fiji's ethnic minorities.
- University of Fiji: One of two universities in Fiji.
- Vaileka: the main urban centre in the Rakiraki region of Fiji.
- Ratu Nemia Vainitoba: nonagenarian chief from Ba Province.
- Vakalalabure, Ratu Rakuita: Fijian politician, imprisoned for treason.
- Vakalalabure, Ratu Tevita: Fijian chief and politician (1927-2005).
- Vakatora, Tomasi: Fijian statesman.
- Vakawaletabua, Ratu Kinijioji, Senator.
- Vanua Balavu: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Vanua Levu Group: The Fijian island of Vanua Levu and its outliers.
- Vanua Levu West (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Vanua Tako Lavo Party: a former political party in Fiji, advocating political supremacy for indigenous Fijians.
- Vatukoula: a gold mining settlement in Fiji, near Tavua.
- Vatulele: an outlier to the Fijian island of Viti Levu.
- Vavaitemana, Bulou Elenoa: Tui Ono, a chieftainess from Kadavu, Fiji.
- Vayeshnoi, Lekh Ram: Fiji Labour Party politician.
- Viseisei: believed to be Fiji's oldest settlement.
- Viti Levu Group: The Fijian island of Viti Levu and its outliers.
- Viti Levu East Maritime (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Viti Levu South Kadavu (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Vitusagavulu, Jesoni: Fijian businessman and diplomat.
- Volavola, Ratu Peni: Lord Mayor of Suva.
- Vorster, Balthazar Johannes (John): South African Prime Minister (1966-1978).
- Vosanibola, Josefa: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Vuda Point: the traditional landing place of the ancestors of the modern Fijian people.
- Vuiyasawa, Lagamu: Fijian Senator and businesswoman.
- Vula, Josateki: Fijian parliamentarian.
- Electoral system of Fiji: an overview of the method of casting and counting votes in Fiji.
- Vuaqava: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Vuda (Indian Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 19 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for Indo-Fijians.
- Vuda (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Vuetilovoni, Tomasi: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Vunivalu of Bau: Fiji's highest chiefly title.
- Wailagi Lala: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Wakaya Island: an island in Fiji's Lomaiviti archipelago.
- Waqabaca, Josaia: Fijian former political organizer; informant about 2000 coup.
- Waqanisau, Jeremaia: Fiji's Ambassador to China.
- Waqavakatoga, Taito: President of the Fijian Senate.
- Waradi, Taito: the President of the Fiji Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- Warren, Jay: Mayor of Pitcairn.
- West Central (General Electors Communal Constituency, Fiji): One of 3 communal constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives that was formerly reserved for ethnic minorities.
- Wikicities: a community of wikis, founded by Angela of Wikipedia fame.
- Wong, Pio: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Yabaki, Akuila: Fijian human rights activist and former Methodist minister.
- Yabaki, Konisi: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Yadua Tabu: an outlier to the Fijian island of Vanua Levu.
- Yanuca: an island in Fiji's Lau archipelago.
- Yanuca Levu: an island in Fiji's Lomaiviti archipelago.
- Yasawa: the main island in Fiji's Yasawa Group.
- Yasawa Nawaka (Open Constituency, Fiji): One of 25 former Open Constituencies in the Fijian House of Representatives.
- Yellow Ribbon campaign (Fiji): the campaign against the Fijian government's proposed Reconciliation and Unity Commission.
- Yeshua: The Hebrew name for Jesus.
- Yoido Full Gospel Church: the world's largest church. In Seoul, Korea.
- Young, Ted: Fijian Cabinet Minister.
- Zimmermann, Jörg: German Ambassador to New Zealand.
- Zinck, Kenneth Vincent: Fijian Cabinet Minister.

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