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Counter (digital)

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Integrated circuit containing a digital counter (synchronous 4-bit decade counter, Signetics 74162N)

In digital electronics, a counter is a sequential logic circuit that counts and stores the number of positive or negative transitions of a clock signal. A counter typically consists of flip-flops, which store a value representing the current count, and in many cases, additional logic to effect particular counting sequences, qualify clocks and perform other functions. Each clock pulse causes the value stored in the counter to increment or decrement (increase or decrease by one).

A digital counter is a finite state machine, with a clock input signal and multiple output signals that collectively represent the state. The state indicates the current count, either directly as a binary number or using encodings such as BCD, one-hot, or Gray code. Most counters have a Reset input which is used to initialize the counter. Depending on the design, a counter may have additional inputs to control functions such as count enabling and parallel data loading.

Digital counters are categorized in various ways, including by attributes such as modulus and output encoding, and by special capabilities such as data preloading and bidirectional (up and down) counting. Every counter is classified as either synchronous or asynchronous. Some counters, specifically ring counters and Johnson counters, are categorized according to their unique architectures.

Counters are widely used in computers, device interfaces, and other applications. They are implemented as stand-alone integrated circuits and as integrated components in larger integrated circuits such as microcontrollers and FPGAs.

Common characteristics


An electronic counter is a sequential logic circuit that has a clock input signal and a group of output signals that represent an integer "count" value. Upon each qualified clock edge, the circuit will increment (or decrement, depending on circuit design) the stored count. When the count reaches the end of the counting sequence (maximum count when incrementing; zero count when decrementing), the next clock will cause the count to overflow or underflow and the counting sequence will start over.



In addition to the clock input, many counters provide other input signals that facilitate dynamic control of the counting sequence, such as:

  • Reset – sets count to zero. Some IC manufacturers name this signal "clear" or "master reset (MR)". Depending on the counter design, this signal may be asynchronous or synchronous.
  • Enable – allows or inhibits counting.
  • Direction – determines whether count will increment or decrement.
  • Data – parallel input data which represents a particular count value.
  • Load – copies parallel input data to the counter.

Some counters provide a Terminal Count output which indicates that the next clock will cause overflow or underflow. This is commonly used to implement counter cascading (combining two or more counters to create a single, larger counter) by connecting the Terminal Count output of one counter to the Enable input of the next counter.



The modulus of a counter is the number of states in its count sequence. A counter that has modulus value n is commonly referred to as a modulo-n or MOD-n counter. For example, a counter that counts up from 0 to 5 and then overflows is a MOD-6 counter because it has six states.

The maximum possible modulus of a counter is determined by the number of flip-flops. More specifically, a counter with n flip-flops has a maximum possible modulus of 2n. For example, a four-bit counter can have a modulus of up to 16 (24).

Some counters (e.g., binary counters) include all possible states in their count sequences. Other counters omit one or more possible states from their counting sequences; for example, a decade counter has ten states (0 to 9) and thus is a MOD-10 counter.

Output encoding


As it counts, every counter produces a sequence of output codes (bit patterns) on its flip-flop outputs. Many of these code sequences, either by design or due to the nature of the counter, conform to widely used encoding systems. Several types of output encoding are commonly used in counters, including binary, BCD, Gray code, and one-hot.

Synchronous vs. asynchronous


Counters are broadly categorized as either synchronous or asynchronous. In synchronous counters, all flip-flops share a common clock and change state at the same time. In asynchronous counters, each flip-flop has a unique clock, and the flip-flop states change at different times.

Up/down counting


An up/down counter is a digital counter which counts up or down as directed by a special input signal. In synchronous up/down counters, the control signal is a single digital input whose state indicates count direction (e.g., '1' = count up; '0' = count down). In asynchronous up/down counters the direction control may alternatively consist of two separate "up" and "down" clock inputs.

Counter types


Counters are typically categorized by general architecture. For example:

Binary counter


A binary counter is a digital counter that directly represents the count as a binary number. A binary counter is a MOD-2n counter, where n is the number of flip-flops used to store the count. For example, the illustrations below show the behavior of a 5-bit binary counter, which has 32 (25) states and is therefore a MOD-32 counter:

Asynchronous binary (ripple) counter


An asynchronous binary counter, or binary ripple counter, is a "chain" of toggle (T) flip-flops in which the least-significant flip-flop (bit 0) is clocked by an external signal (the counter input clock), and all other flip-flops are clocked by the output of the nearest, less significant flip-flop (e.g., bit 0 clocks the bit 1 flip-flop, bit 1 clocks bit 2, etc.). When implemented with discrete flip-flops, ripple counters are commonly implemented with JK flip-flops, with each flip-flop configured to toggle when clocked (i.e., J and K are both connected to logic high).

Schematic diagram of an n-bit ripple counter constructed from JK flip flops. In this counter, the first flip-flop is clocked by rising edges; all other flip-flops in the chain are clocked by falling clock edges.

Each flip-flop is effectively a one-bit counter which increments its count (by toggling its output) once per clock cycle. It counts from zero to one and then, when the next clock arrives, it will overflow and start its count sequence over again at zero. Each output state persists for a full input clock cycle, and consequently the frequency of each flip-flop's output signal is exactly half that of its input clock. Additional flip-flops may be added to the chain to form a counter of any arbitrary word size (number of bits), with the output frequency of each bit equal to exactly half the frequency of its nearest, less significant bit.

Each flip-flop introduces a delay from input clock edge to output toggle. This causes the counter bits to change at different times, thus producing a ripple effect and making the count unstable as the counter input clock propagates through the circuit. The duration of this instability (the output settling time) is proportional to the number of flip-flops. This makes ripple counters unsuitable for use in synchronous circuits that require the counter to have a fast output settling time. Also, it is often impractical to use ripple counter output bits as clocks for external circuits because the ripple effect causes timing skew between the bits. Ripple counters are commonly used as general-purpose counters and clock frequency dividers in applications where the instantaneous count and timing skew is unimportant.

Synchronous binary counter


The circuit shown below is a synchronous, up-counting four-bit binary counter implemented with JK flip-flops. Upon clock rising edge, bit 0 will always toggle, whereas other bits will toggle only when all less-significant bits are at a logic high state (i.e., Q1 toggles if Q0 is logic high; Q2 toggles if Q0 and Q1 are both high; and Q3 toggles if Q0, Q1, and Q2 are all high).

Synchronous 4-bit binary counter using JK flip-flops

As in asynchronous counters, each flip-flop introduces a delay from input clock edge to output toggle, but in this case all flip-flops change state concurrently, and consequently the counter output will settle after only one flip-flop delay regardless of the number of bits.

Decade counter


A decade counter is a MOD-10 counter that counts from 0 to 9 and then overflows to zero. Depending on its design, the count may be represented in binary-coded decimal (BCD) (0000 to 1001) or other binary encodings.

Decade counter BCD output states
State Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0
3 1 1 0 0
4 0 0 1 0
5 1 0 1 0
6 0 1 1 0
7 1 1 1 0
8 0 0 0 1
9 1 0 0 1

Asynchronous decade counter


The circuit shown below is an asynchronous decade counter with BCD output. It is a modified 4-bit binary ripple counter that uses a NAND gate to reset the count to zero (by resetting all flip-flops) when the binary count increments to 10 (binary 1010), thus resulting in 10 output states. As in all asynchronous counters, the stored count is unstable while the external clock propagates through the flip-flop chain (including the reset upon reaching count 10).

A circuit decade counter using JK Flip-flops (74LS112D)

Synchronous decade counter


The circuit shown below is a synchronous decade counter with BCD output. Five logic gates are used to implement the next-state logic, thus facilitating faster operation than an asynchronous counter at the expense of additional circuitry.

Synchronous decade counter with BCD output

Ring counter


A ring counter is a circular shift register which is initialized such that one flip-flop (typically bit 0) stores a ‘1’ and all other flip-flops store a ‘0’. Each clock pulse causes the ‘1’ to shift to the next flip-flop in the shift register. When the ‘1’ reaches the last flip-flop in the shift register, the next clock causes it to shift into bit 0, thus restarting the counting sequence and effecting a counter overflow.

A ring counter is MOD-n, where n is the number of flip-flops. For example, the ring counter shown below has four flip-flops and therefore is a MOD-4 counter.

4-bit ring counter with synchronous reset input, which initializes bit 0 to ‘1’ and all other bits to ‘0’

4-bit ring counter output states
Count Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3
0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
2 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 0 1

At any particular time only one counter output bit is logic ‘1’, and consequently a ring counter is effectively a one-hot state machine which is in the nth state if, and only if, the nth bit is high.

Johnson counter


A Johnson counter (also called switch-tail ring, twisted ring, walking ring, or Möbius counter) is a circular shift register in which the output of the last stage is inverted and connected to the data input of the first stage,[1][2][3] and all bits are initialized to zero, thus producing a Gray code output sequence. It can be clocked at relatively high frequencies because there are no intermediate logic gates, and consequently the worst-case propagation delay is from clock to flip-flop output. A Johnson counter is MOD-2n, where n is the number of flip-flops. For example, the Johnson counter shown below has four flip-flops and therefore is a MOD-8 counter.

4-bit Johnson counter using four D-type flip flops

4-bit Johnson counter output states
State Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0
3 1 1 1 0
4 1 1 1 1
5 0 1 1 1
6 0 0 1 1
7 0 0 0 1

Johnson counters are commonly used in state machines and in specialized applications such as analog waveform generation (e.g., Davies sinusoidal generator).[4] For example, the CMOS 4017 integrated circuit uses a 5-bit Johnson counter to cycle through 10 states, and thus implement a decade counter with one-hot encoded outputs:



Counters are implemented in a variety of ways, including as dedicated MSI and LSI integrated circuits, as embedded counters within ASICs, as general-purpose counter and timer peripherals in microcontrollers, and as IP blocks in FPGAs. In the latter case, a counter is typically instantiated by synthesizing it from a description written in VHDL, Verilog or some other hardware description language. For example, the following VHDL code describes a 32-bit up/down counter with clock enable and load capability:

entity bidirectional_counter is
port (                                      -- counter input/output signals:
  CLK         : in  std_logic;              --   clock
  RESET       : in  std_logic;              --   asynchronous reset
  ENABLE      : in  std_logic;              --   clock enable
  LOAD_ENABLE : in  std_logic;              --   load enable
  COUNT_UP    : in  std_logic;              --   '1' for up, '0' for down counting
  DATA_IN     : in  unsigned(31 downto 0);  --   value to load into counter
  DATA_OUT    : out unsigned(31 downto 0)   --   current counter value
end bidirectional_counter;

architecture behavioral of bidirectional_counter is
  signal counter : unsigned(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- counter register
  process(CLK, RESET)
    if RESET = '1' then             -- if counter reset is requested
      counter <= (others => '0');   --   reset the counter
    elsif rising_edge(CLK) then     -- else upon rising clock edge
      if ENABLE = '0' then          --   if clock is disabled
        null;                       --     do nothing
      elsif LOAD_ENABLE = '1' then  --   else if load is requested
        counter <= DATA_IN;         --     jam new value into counter
      elsif COUNT_UP = '1' then     --   else if up-counting
        counter <= counter + 1;     --     increment counter
      else                          --   else down-counting, so
        counter <= counter - 1;     --     decrement counter
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  DATA_OUT <= counter;    -- output current counter value
end behavioral;

See also



  1. ^ Singh, Arun Kumar (2006). Digital Principles Foundation of Circuit Design and Application. New Age Publishers. ISBN 81-224-1759-0.
  2. ^ Horowitz, Paul; Hill, Winfield (1989). The Art of Electronics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-37095-7.
  3. ^ Graf, Rudolf F (1999). Modern Dictionary of Electronics. Newnes. ISBN 0-7506-9866-7.
  4. ^ Dunbar, Steven. "The Davies Sinusoidal Generator" (PDF). Texas Instruments. Retrieved 27 March 2025.